In our day-to-day lives the role of applications and software solutions is becoming more and more imminent. While most of us would be comfortably familiar with the social and other general applications but for corporates and niches industries custom software solutions have become a necessity for carrying out daily business functions.

As custom EHR development has risen to new heights lately, the need for comprehensive training and support during its implementation has sought out to be the next big thing. Being the torch bearer of the custom EHR development process, you are often not the one actually developing the product, isn’t it?

Of course, the people behind the custom EHR development know the intricacies of custom EHR development and would know how the software functions and what aspect of the software does what. However, for the main target user, who is ideally responsible for providing healthcare services, custom EHR training from healthcare IT support is necessary.

But how to choose a custom EHR development partner with robust support and what it is that one should expect from EHR implementation support and custom EHR training?

Well, let’s find that out in this blog below!

Building Confidence Through Expertise: Training Programs Offered by Your EHR Development Partner

Custom EHR training can help boost the confidence of the people who will actually be using the software. Apart from that, EHR implementation support is also necessary because, when using EHR user training, there is a high chance that someone who is not comfortable with using technology would find the custom EMR software confusing.

  • User-specific Training Curriculums

Custom EHR software development requires custom EHR training programs. Since there will be multiple aspects of care delivery and administration, the training program has to be tailored for different user groups depending on their role. For instance, clinicians would have completely different training as they would be using a particular segment of the custom EHR software.

On the other hand, for administrators and staff there would be different training as they will be using a different aspect of the software. Some of the typical training modules that you can overlook are clinical workflow training, data entry and management training and reporting functionalities.

  • Interactive Learning Experiences

There are many interactive healthcare provider training methods that are being implemented for the optimum use of the custom EHR software. Some of these training modules involve hands-on workshops and simulations where the end users are given the software to use and train on it first hand. Here providing ongoing support options for custom EHR implementation becomes much easier.

Another way of custom EHR training is to use online training resources such as video tutorials and knowledge-based articles with a detailed outline of the features, functionality, and other aspects of care delivery.

  • Ongoing Training and Support Options

There are constant updates in the custom EHR software, which everyone might not be aware of. To make everyone aware of that and keep them up to date with the latest updates, ongoing training programs come in handy. This way, it only makes everyone aware of the updates, but also, the problems can be identified and solved in real-time.

However, to achieve this different support channels offered by healthcare IT support plays a huge role. For instance an online ticketing system or a dedicated support hotline number can get you in touch with the support group almost instantly.

Beyond Training: Additional Support Services from Your Development Partner

Apart from the custom software training, there are some other aspects of support that your custom EHR development partner must provide. This will help you make a smooth transition from traditional practices to digital care practices. Let’s see that briefly below:

  • Data Migration Assistance

When transitioning from an existing system to a new system, your EHR development partner can help in data cleansing, data extraction, data mapping, and data validation processes. These ongoing support options for custom EHR implementation often come in handy and help in enhancing the overall quality of your data in your practice, making your system more robust and trained on quality data.

  • System Customization and Integration

System customization is something that many healthcare IT support providers struggle with. This is because the system often requires ongoing customization due to the evolving needs of the system. This requires a few changes in the workflows. Having said that, this is crucially important because it can address changes in real-time and build a custom EHR system that is complete by the end of its entire development stages.

  • Technical Support and Troubleshooting

EHR implementation support is gaining attraction lately with the rise of custom EHR software adoption. With prompt and reliable technical support during and after implementation you can ensure that the EHR system is always working properly and not hindering the clinical workflow.

Apart from that the partner’s support infrastructure like help desk where technical expertise can be enhanced to control the damage in case of any emergencies, etc.


There are numerous benefits of comprehensive training program for custom EHR systems which can only be experienced while the training programs are in action. From providing real-time support to identifying issues in real-time training programs and support is where the real work starts after the custom EHR software system is implemented.

Furthermore, this custom EHR system training is important because it can help in the proper use of the software and add a sense of comfort while using it when dealing with the real world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What types of training does a custom EHR development partner typically offer?

A custom EHR development partner usually offers training focused on using their specific EHR system. This can include in-person sessions, online tutorials, and ongoing support to ensure staff can efficiently navigate the software and maximize its features for optimal patient care.

  1. How can I ensure my staff is comfortable using the new custom EHR system?

Tailor training to staff roles, prioritize user-friendly features, and empower “super users” to assist colleagues. Offer ongoing support and address concerns to build confidence and a smooth transition to the new EHR system.

  1. What kind of support services should I expect after the EHR system is launched?

After your EHR launch, expect ongoing support for:

  • Training: Regular training for staff on new features and troubleshooting.
  • Technical Assistance: A helpdesk to answer questions and fix technical issues.
  • Maintenance & Upgrades: Support for system updates, bug fixes, and security patches.
  • Optimization: Help tailor the system to your workflow for better efficiency.
  1. How much does training and support typically cost?

The cost of training and support varies depending on factors like company size and industry but typically falls around $1,200 per employee. This includes trainer time, materials, and lost productivity during training hours. Support costs can be ongoing depending on the complexity of the training and the level of ongoing assistance required.

  1. Is it important to choose a development partner who offers long-term support?

Absolutely. Long-term support from your development partner means they’ll be there for bug fixes, updates, and future growth. This ensures your software stays functional, secure, and adapts as your needs evolve, saving you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

  1. Why is comprehensive training essential for EHR implementation?

Comprehensive EHR training is crucial because it empowers staff to use the system effectively. Without it, they might struggle to navigate the software, leading to errors in documentation, billing, or even patient care. Training unlocks the EHR’s potential, maximizing efficiency and ensuring everyone gets the most out of this new technology.

  1. What types of support should we expect from our EHR development partner?

A good EHR development partner should offer support throughout the entire process. This includes initial needs assessment, system design and development, implementation with training, and ongoing maintenance with bug fixes and updates. They should also be r

  1. How can we measure the effectiveness of our EHR training?

Here’s how to gauge your EHR training’s effectiveness:

  • Pre- & Post-Tests: Assess knowledge with tests before and after training to see improvement.
  • Track Performance: Monitor metrics like charting speed, billing accuracy, and error rates to see if they improve post-training.
  • Survey Staff: Get feedback through surveys to gauge staff confidence and identify areas for improvement.
  1. What should be included in a customized training program?

A customized training program should start by identifying the specific skills or knowledge needed. Then, tailor the content with relevant examples and exercises. Use a mix of delivery methods, like online modules and hands-on practice, to cater to different learning styles. Finally, assessments should be included to gauge progress and ensure the program effectively bridges the skill gap.

  1. How can we ensure ongoing learning and support for our staff?

Cultivate a learning culture by valuing development and offering resources. Provide a mix of training (online, workshops), coaching, and mentorships. Encourage knowledge sharing through peer learning and discussions. Regularly check in with staff to identify their learning goals and provide support. This fosters a skilled and engaged workforce.

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